Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology

We offer preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic services for cardiovascular diseases. The department has highly qualified and skilled cardiologists with expertise in all types of cardiac procedures. They have been trained and have treated patients in reputed hospitals in India and abroad. The consultants practice evidence based medicine and follow international protocols which results in best outcomes.

Columbia Asia Hospital Indonesia, offers round the clock services for cardiac emergencies and is equipped with the advanced infrastructure to manage and treat complicated heart conditions. The cardiology department is backed by diagnostic services such as catheterisation laboratory, cardiac CT, cardiac MRI and other associated services.

The range of treatments and procedures offered in this department include:
  • Treatment for cardiologic problem
  • Pre-operative cardiologic screening
  • Heart screening (Treadmill, CT-Angiography)
  • Invasive cardiologic procedure (PAC & PCI)
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Health Articles related to Cardiology
  • Mitos atau Fakta? Stress Bisa Menyebabkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)
  • Kardiomiopati Peripartum Gagal Jantung Pada Moms Sebelum dan Setelah Melahirkan
  • Cegah Penyakit Jantung, Lakukan Olahraga Sederhana Berikut
  • Penyakit Angin Duduk, Apakah Benar Ada?
  • Kateterisasi Jantung, Mengapa Perlu Dilakukan?