Nephrology is a branch of medical science that deals with diseases of the kidneys. Nephrology deals with study of the normal working of the kidneys as well as its diseases. The diseases that come under the scope of nephrology include:
- Glomerular disorders: Nephrotic syndrome and nephritis.
- Urine abnormalities such as excess excretion of protein, sugar, blood, casts, crystals etc.
- Tubulointerstitial diseases
- Renal vascular diseases
- Kidney and bladder stones
- Kidney infections
- Polycystic kidneys diseases
- Hydronephrosis
- Cancers of the kidneys, bladder, and urethra
- Effects of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure on kidney
- Autoimmune diseases including autoimmune vasculitis, lupus, etc.
- Ill effects of drugs and toxins on the kidneys
- Chronic kidney disease
- Acute kidney ịnury
- Dialysis includes hemodialysis as well as peritoneal dialysis
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